Low Budget Product Lighting

Low Budget Product Lighting

Video Details

Taking good photos doesn't have to be expensive, especially when you are just starting out.  More advanced sellers taking retail photos may want to buy a light box, take a local community college photography class or hire someone specifically to light and take photos of the product for sale,
however you are a sole proprietor with minimum income from your online sales, then consider trying this low-budget lighting solution than anyone can afford.

Light ebay,, Etsy, Instagram Store, or Custom Store products using AVIARY, minimal lighting and low cost.

In this video I used the free Iphone App called Aviary. Aviary is also available for free on Android Smart Phones and Windows 10 Store.

You may also prefer to use your desktop computer and a more fully capable software. If you can not afford Adobe Photoshop, then use this free photo editing software that I use when I am in a hurry. is free and runs on most versions of Windows.

Link to free PAINT.NET Windows Software: